The Blueberry Oatmeal bars actually contain spinach, but you can't really tell. I'm still not able to get Quincy to try them, but once she does, I have a suspicion she'll be a fan.

The other recipe does not look or sound as appealing, but they aren't disgusting and in my mind, that's a plus! I tried one and can't say I was eager to finish the plate, but I think I could stomach a few more. They're actually kinda fun to eat. They are pretty much little balls of a bunch of pureed healthy stuff like chicken, brown rice, cheese, sweet potato, broccoli, and egg. As soon as Q wakes up from her nap, we'll be putting these little balls of healthy joy to the taste test! (BTW, like the glamour shots? I'm brushing up on my photo styling for a work project and this was a good "subject"!)

Other than a little cooking, we laid low this weekend. Grandma Wood came over which was a little slice of heaven for Quincy. Those two have so much fun. Having Grandma here gave Marshal & I some some to run errands and see a movie. Yay! We saw Funny People. I don't claim to have good taste in movies, but we both really liked it. Probably because we don't get out much! So, on to another week....

(Sorry about the blurry photo. None turned out because I was too busy running away from the hose!)

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