First, we have the potty treats. Quincy has been doing so good with her potty chair thanks to these handy little treats. It's evident that the whole potty thing has finally clicked with her (for the most part). Basically, she decides when she wants a piece of candy and she goes potty. If she doesn't feel like a treat, she just goes in her diaper. Now, I'm just trying to figure out how to get her to consistently go in her toilet AND when I can stop rewarding her with treats... at this rate, she'll be asking for candy every time she uses the pot even when she's 18. She's even started to congratulate me when I go to the bathroom. She says "Good job mama. You did potty!" :)

Let's see, next is our latest effort to eat healthier. With life being so crazy busy, we've fallen into the "let's just eat whatever is quickest, easiest and most likely to be approved by the princess even if it's corn dogs and chicken nuggets EVERYDAY" routine. I began to look at my own diet as well and realize that she is pretty much following my lead. Thanks to a friend, I've had this book called "Deceptively Delicious" by Jessica Seinfeld that I decided to dust off and give a spin.
So, I spent this weekend pureeing broccoli, spinach, cauliflower and sweet potatoes in an effort to follow some of the more edible-looking recipes and sneak some veggies into Q's diet. Our first item on the list was this very happy breakfast sandwich. The ingredients sounded so yummy! Sweet potatoes, brown sugar, egg whites, and cottage cheese (yuck, but mixed in, I didn't think we'd taste it). But, as it figures, it tasted about as terrible as it looks! I tried to put syrup on Quincy's but she wouldn't give in. One taste and she was done. I, on the other hand, choked down my sandwich trying to lead by example. If the remaining recipes turn out this flavorless we're going to have to find a recipe book that covers a hundred variations of corn dogs.

Next, I just wanted to remember some of Quincy's favorite books right now. Her all-time favorite bedtime book so far is Richard Scarry's Giant Storybook Treasury. I remember buying it for her a long time ago because it reminded me of my childhood. I used to try to get her interested in it but she wanted nothing to do with it for a long time. I couldn't wait for the day she wanted to read it instead of just tearing the pages...
All I have to say is be careful what you wish for. She wants to read it every night. Over and over and over and over and over. People told me this would happen. One night when I was really tired, I even tried to hide the book one night behind our chair. Guess what. She found it. It was like she could just smell it. She never ceases to amaze me.
Her other favorite thing now is Cinderella. She wants to watch it, read it, play with the doll, wear the slippers and spin around. We call her our little Spinderella. She's definitely suddenly into the Princess thing already.

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