It's been a long week and I'm t-i-r-e-d, but I had some fun pictures from this week I wanted to share before I call it a day. It's strange how much a child can change right before your eyes. It seems this week in particular has been pretty monumental. Well, as monumental as it can be through the eyes of her adoring parents. To everyone else, it's small beans I'm sure. Quincy has successfully went potty for about four days straight. She still doesn't get the whole undie thing. She, for some odd reason, thinks when you have panties on you're supposed to pull them up to your neck or wear them around your knees and hobble around so we're working on that one still. It's a pretty humorous occurrence and you better believe we video taped it all for blackmail later! Let's see, what else? I'm not sure I can even recall anything in particular. It's just amazing that her vocabulary is just expanding exponentially, which reminds me... we also had her first (well, I swear her first was with her daddy, but that's up for debate) curse word experience this week. Let's just say I had a small freak out while driving and something may have slipped. Almost immediately, she let it slip, oh, about three more times within one mile. Oops. It had me busting up though. The delivery was priceless! And, well, other than that, she is just loving all her new birthday toys including her vacuum, princess shoes, play dough and of course, her fairy princesses. She even knows their names which shocked me. She's a very busy girl who's definitely got some spunk. So much, I have trouble keeping up! Here's some proof! 'Nite!

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