It's Sunday night and it's back to real life tomorrow. I'm just wrapping up some photos from the past week. Marshal and I are fortunate enough to get the week between Christmas and New Years off, so we've been spoiled for the past several days. We didn't do much but we fit in a trip to the zoo (on the coldest day of the week) and a camping trip for New Year's. Although I always have my camera with me, I think I've gotten extremely lazy when it comes to picture taking. One of my resolutions is to get back into actually trying to take a good photo! The photos below are proof we were there, but not proof of how much fun we had! I think Quincy's eyes were closed in almost every photo from the zoo!
PHOENIX ZOO: Don't they both look thrilled? They were all smiles before they saw the camera in their face!

GATES ROAD CAMPING—NEW YEAR'S EVE: The camping trip was a blast as usual. There is nothing like New Year's Eve by a campfire. Quincy had her fill of girl time, that's for sure! These girls aren't afraid of a little dirt.

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