This year was so fun with Quincy. From the Thanksgiving on, it was ALL about Santa. She actually understood what all the fun means, in terms of the fun, music, lights, Santa, Elves and PRESENTS! She knows Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus have something to do with it all, but as far as she's concerned, they are just a family she can play with who live in a shack!
Let's take a look back at the holidays...
Our 6th Anniversary coincidentally! I found this fun, frilly, glittery get-up at a garage sale last year and it was surely a hit with little miss dress-up. Although she loved wearing the thing, and draping herself with beads, she wasn't equally as thrilled to sit for photos. I didn't really get anything brag-worthy, but here are some funny faces! You'll notice a trend with the scrunched face. That's her "smile for the camera" smile.

This one is just a family photo, since we are so lacking in that department, from Thanksgiving. Yes, that is a turkey pin on my shirt. Sometime throughout the day, Quincy decided she didn't want to wear it and like everything else, it ended up on me.

NOVEMBER 27 : Glendale Glitters
Staying the weekend with Grammy & Grandpa after Thanksgiving, we ended up at Glendale Glitters. All the things that I skipped out on in the years past have a whole new appeal when you can share them with a child. It was a nice night out with the grandparents and a good way to kick off the season although I am still bitter about the $8 hamburgers!

DECEMBER 03 : Gingerbread Houses
Another example of the things you do just to see the joy in your child's eyes! I thought it would be fun to let Q decorate gingerbread houses on one of days at home. I highly underestimated the complexity of assembling a gingerbread house! Those things are HARD to put together! I've done it in the past, but it must have been a while. Once I finally managed to glop the houses together and they were dry enough to decorate, we enjoyed about 3 minutes of eating candies and 5 seconds of decorating before the adventure was over, but it was something fun to do!

DECEMBER 05 : Santa's Carriage Ride
After last year, I knew sitting on Santa's lap wouldn't go so smoothly again this year. I had the idea that maybe if we could convince Q that she could ride in a carriage "just like Cinderella" she would tolerate sitting next to Santa long enough to get a "Photo with Santa". It worked, slightly. She wouldn't give the poor guy the time of day until he offered her a candy cane - her first one ever. I never really understood the appeal of a candy cane but I am now forever going to see their value. She really warmed up to the guy, just in time for the ride to end and I never did get a good photo or her with Santa. She enjoyed the ride for a few seconds I think and she REALLY enjoyed the candy cane. I think we made some progress!

DECEMBER 12 : Grandma Wood, Tessi & Zoo Lights
Quincy had a weekend full of holiday fun with a visit from Grandma Wood & Tessi. Those girls all had the house a buzzing singing jingle bells, watching The Happy Elf and helping me bake. It was a really nice weekend at home, just enjoying the holidays and all the fun that goes along. With all the running around we do, Quincy sure loves when she can just stay home and play. Here are some photos from the weekend of baking and the family outing to see Zoo Lights.

DECEMBER 14 : Q's School Show
We were so excited when we found out Quincy's daycare was putting on a holiday song show for the parents. We didn't know what to expect, but what we saw, we will never forget. It was a crazy night with way more parents than there was room for. It was the funniest spectacle we've ever seen, but it was priceless. Quincy did pretty good in the first show, but she misplaced her bell for the second show and it was pretty much over for her after that.... until she received the Christmas Tree cut-out that she got to put her face in while singing "Oh Christmas Tree". We video-taped the entire thing and will cherish it forever. It was our first experience of being the proud parents. We look forward to many more memories like this one!

DECEMBER 17 : Dance "Recital"
This was the last day of Quincy's dance class. Marshal posted a part of the video in the previous post, but let me tall ya, it was eye-opening and absolutely hilarious. Let me just say I've developed some serious concerns about my child after this experience. We may have some "issues" with following directions in the future, I'm just sayin'.

DECEMBER 24 : Christmas Eve
I am seriously lacking in photos from this night, which is disappointing. I don't know what I was thinking, but I think I was getting frustrated with my camera not taking photos in the low-light and I totally forgot that I could use my flash. Duh. In any case, we have a lot of video and I got a few bad-quality photos. Quincy was more WOUND UP than we've ever seen. It was so funny how she was just running through the house when Kevin & Tessi arrived. She was spinning in circles and being down-right goofy, poking and prodding at the presents from the second she saw them under the tree. The holiday spoiling of Quincy began that night with a crate-full of presents from Grandma Wood. She got a pink electric guitar which we couldn't even pull her away from to open the other presents. She was mixing and blending with her new kitchen "appliances". Thank you so much to Grandma Wood for all the presents. By bedtime, she was wiped out and it was time for "Santa" to put out all the presents. Finally, it was our turn to sample the cookies for Santa before bed! Parenting has its perks!

DECEMBER 25 : Christmas Day
I can't believe it. I only have ONE barely-decent photo from Christmas morning. I really don't know what I was thinking this year. I think I was just so wrapped up in the excitement. Like the night before, we have video of the morning, but it's just a shame. I am so ashamed! As Q has been saying for the past few weeks, Santa did bring her a Dolly House! The doll house was runner up to the dollar store cheer leading outfit. Go figure! She actually loves the doll house now. It has been keeping her entertained for days and it's pretty entertaining to us as well. Things toddlers think to say and do in their imaginary play time crack me up.

Christmas Day we went over to the Nevarez home as usual. Q was napping when everyone arrived, so everyone just snacked on appetizers until the Queen woke up. Tradition growing up was always, eat first and then be tortured by the anticipation of opening presents while the old folks sat around and sipped coffee. It was only once they were all sipped out and the kitchen was picked up, that we could even ask about the presents. But, as times change, so do traditions, and it was the Grandparents and Great Aunts/Uncles that decided this year, we should open presents first, spoiling little Q once again. Where's the justice?

DECEMBER 27 : Winding Down
Whew! After all the holiday happenings, we can just focus on getting life back on-track. It's been a year of ups and downs, as life always goes, but there are certainly struggles to overcome for our family. I am so thankful for our blessings but I hope and pray the new year will bring health, happiness and new beginnings to our family in many ways. Being a forever optimist, I know there is always hope and a silver lining to every cloud. Here's to a new year, a fresh start and many more HAPPY memories for all of our family and friends. Remember to take time to get joy out of the simple things!

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