I have a personal list of to-dos piling up, but I decided to dedicate at least one night to the poor, neglected blog. With the pitter-patter of rain coming down and the babes (both of them) in bed, I guess I can waste a little time designing! For a new year, I've slightly given the blog a face-lift. We'll see how long this design lasts!
Along with the new design, here are a few random photos outlining the past few weeks:
First, just a typical day at home. I stayed in my PJs ALL DAY for the first time in forever. Quincy spent the day in the princess dresses over her PJs!

Hey Quincy, Smile!

Bribery at it's best.

DISNEY ON ICE! Last weekend Quincy and I picked up Tessi and headed over to the west side for the weekend. We'd had Disney on Ice plans for months and it was finally time! It was so much fun and a wonderful adventure for Quincy, Tessi (and myself too). Grammy, Papa, Aunt Barb and the rest of us rode the light rail into downtown. Quincy LOVED it. Once we got there, we met up with my friend Alex, her mom and her daughters. Quincy was so excited to see Cora and "hang out" in their matching Princess dresses. She even got to see the "real" Cinderella and Tiana. A dream come true!

Can you tell how much they like each other? Okay, so they were just warming up to each other and as usual, Quincy was mocking Cora.

This was just taken before school the other day. She insists on wearing dresses EVERYDAY so I am having to get creative with keeping her warm. She's so girly. Getting pants on the child is a major ordeal.

Lastly, we experimented with the camera out in the rain today. It was the only time we stepped foot outside. Not easy to handle a lollipop and an umbrella, but where there's a will, there's a way!

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