Okay, so it was a long night between Quincy's random wimpers for her bear through the night and my turning over to discuss how sad I was with Marshal all night. Marshal went first thing this morning back to the restaurant parking lot for one last look in the daylight. He came back empty handed and we were all disappointed. Just as he knelt down to give Quincy a hug, he looked into the dining room and said, "What is that?" I got down and looked and YES, it was bear under a chair in the dining room! I ran over to grab it and showed it to Quincy, who immediately lit up. Then, I said, "Yay Daddy! Tell Daddy thank you for finding it!", to which she replied, "No, Mommy found it." Poor Dad. Where's the justice? Anyhow, let's just say it was a much happier day in the Wood Home than I was prepared for! Yay!

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