This weekend was go, go , go for Quincy and I while Daddy stayed home with a honey-do list of things to hang, install, hammer, and glue. Quincy and I headed over the the "west side" again for a visit to Grammy and Grandpa's house for the weekend. We began with a dinner Friday night with my Aunt Barb. First thing Quincy insisted on when we pulled in the driveway Friday night was a jaunt to the swing in the backyard. Then, Grammy, Quincy and I headed over to Brooke's house so Quincy and Brooke's daughter, Presley, could have their first "official" play date. Okay, we really just wanted to tour Brooke's house! Then, it was off to the Wildlife World Zoo and Aquarium. Unfortunately, even being the most perfect day for the zoo possible, the zoo was no match for Quincy's allergies. Poor thing's eyes began to tear and she began to cough. She ended up pretty miserable so we didn't exactly get to see very much. We got her home and down for a nap just in time for a visit from Great Grandma Vargo, Uncle Danny, Uncle Bill & Aunt Linda! Quincy can't go anywhere without the paparrazzi finding her! ;) It ended up being a long day and we ended up with her at 1 am with a fever. Uh, oh, here we go again...
This morning, seeming better, Quincy went over to Grandma Wood's house for a while to catch up on some TLC from Grandma Wood. Not soon after though, her fever returned. I ended up spending almost four hours with her in the urgent care for fear it was another ear infection. She'll be staying home with Daddy tomorrow for some extra rest and love. The doctors think it's a bronchial infection *possibly*. She's had a blast this weekend, but all the fun has caught up. I think we'd better lay low this week and next weekend. And I'd better get to bed NOW just in case I end up watching Sesame St. at 2 am tonight with a sick kiddo. Enjoy the pics of the good moments!

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