Monday, May 11, 2009

Pee & Poo Never Made Me So Happy!

Okay, those are words only a mother would say, right? I just had to say how excited I am that Quincy got down from the dinner table, pulled down her diaper and said "Pee, pee". I helped her get the diaper off and she sat right on the potty and peed! Yay! We were shocked because it was so out of the blue. We'd been trying to get her acquainted with the potty for about a month but she must have been playing dumb the whole time because I thought we were getting nowhere. I guess in a month or two when I'm cleaning out a little poop dish I won't be as thrilled but for now, let's cheer for Q! Yayyy!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a precious little darling. Grammy's proud of her big accomplishment! Yeah for peepee!!! Wait til she wants to visit EVERY bathroom at every store in every mall, every restaurant... Enjoy the simplicity of it all for now. Those diapers aren't so bad but are very expensive so great when they are done with them. Love you!
