Ahhh, what a disappointment! I had to be a football widow every Sunday for an ending like this? Where's the justice? Well, I guess getting to the Superbowl was an accomplish enough for me. No sense on dwelling on the negative. Here are some pictures from our weekend. Galen and Tessi came over this weekend to spend the night. We intended on going to the zoo but never quite made it. We found plenty to do anyhow. Galen only did two things while he was here. 1.) Play the gutiar and 2.) Sleep. He is a teenager after all. Tessi was a little more active. She was a huge help with Quincy as usual. We shopped, stopped at the park, made "puppy chow" and just had some girl talk.

I got this "tutu" at a garage sale a while ago and had been dying to take her picture in it. We brought bubbles to the park and the photos had so much potential but I somehow screwed up my settings and they all came out green. I recovered the colors as best I could but they still look off. We'll have to try again when the grass is greener anyway.

Tessi took this last one of me & Q. She is actually pretty good at taking pictures. Just don't pay attention to my inappropriate shirt. I must have been in a hurry to get out the door. Lesson learned: Look in the mirror at least once before leaving the house!

Tessi took these photos from the seat next to Q in the back. I really liked something about them. I love the one of her hands. She learned the sign for "more" at daycare and I just think it is the most precious thing. It's so cool for her to finally be able to communicate. I totally underestimated the power of sign language. I didn't teach her because I had heard mixed things about children who talk late because of signing. Regardless, it was a very cool moment when she was suddenly telling me something intentional. The other is just her typical goofy demeanor. I call it "See Food".

Here is the little photographer herself!

And here's her brother doing one of the two things he does best. I'll skip the photo of him sleeping!

And, I can't leave out the boys. They were glued to the TV for six hours straight.

Lastly, Tessi took these next two photos as I was getting Q ready for bed. I just loved these photos as well because they are of those moments you never think to photograph. Every night, Q has her bear in hand. I love that kid. Thanks for taking such good pics Tess!