Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mama "Shit"

Okay, so it's not as bad as it sounds. That's Quincy's latest favorite phrase, every morning and every night after she struggles, grunting and groaning (thanks Grammy for making her a drama queen) to climb into the rocking chair in her room. She sits herself down, book in hand and points next to her saying "Mama, shit" "Mama, shit". Okay, so she actually means "sit", but she adds the little shhhhh sound and it is so cute. It's one of the first string of words she uses regularly. We are now officially in the stage of reading the same books over and over and over... Her favorites now are Dr. Suess' Mr. Brown Can, The Foot Book, and Green Eggs and Ham as well as Goodnight Moon and Veggie Tales.

She's also somehow learned to roll her eyes at us. I'm still trying to figure out if she actually knows what she's doing. She seems to but I am so confused! I thought that wouldn't start until her teen years! We are SO in trouble.

Lastly, our first baby girl (Daisy Dog) hurt her leg today and is barely walking :( Poor thing. Marshal was playing frisbee with her and she suddenly yelped, hit the ground and couldn't walk. He had to carry the big lug home. She's definitely having a hard time tonight getting around so we may end up at the vet tomorrow. Here we go. One more thing to add to the list: TV, camera, dog........


  1. Unfortunately, they start rolling their eyes as toddlers if they're smart and Q is!
