Sunday, March 20, 2011


Wow, "when it rains, it pours" is such a cliche but oh so true. Things have been a bit overwhelming the past month or so. Life is passing by day by day, in such a routine fashion and then BAM!—in a moment, things can change.

Life had already gotten little more complicated and challenging in the previous weeks when I went in for a routine ultrasound at 29 weeks (Monday, the 7th). During the US it was discovered that my cervix (TMI?) has gotten drastically thin, not to mention I had been experiencing some slight contractions the night before. I was sent straight to the hospital for some more monitoring. After being there alone until 11PM, they decided to send me home on medications and strict bed rest.

Two days later I was given a test at my Dr. called the fFN test. If it came back negative, that was good news meaning that I was not at risk for preterm labor. A positive result meant that there was a 17% chance I would deliver the babies within 14 days. Unfortunately, the result was positive.

So, here I am, 12 days of bed rest behind me and hopefully at least 21 more days to go. Marshal finally moved my computer into the family room where I've set up camp. I really dont know how women do it for months and months. It is torture for me to have to ask others to do things for me. Especially since I like things done a certain way! I am so used to getting things done, being productive. I have all this time and it's going down the drain! Okay, enough complaining. I am actually extremely lucky for many reasons. My mom and mother-in-law have been wonderful. They have been taking turns "living" here to take care of Q and wait on me. Family is certainly something that I am so very grateful to have.

So, there it is. That's where we've been. I am not able to take pics, but I now have plenty of time to write! I'm sure I'll be bored enough to write lots in the next few weeks. After the babies, I am not sure I'll be able to post, well, ever again!

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