Story time with Mommy (I am OUT of clothes that fit my belly, but who wants to buy new clothes just to sit around on the couch all day?)

Lazy time at home

Picnic at Freestone Park with Grammy

Roosevelt Lake camping with Grammy & Papa

Baby nursery (Not finished yet! Argh!)
Quincy took this pic of Grammy. Pretty good job!

Nursery and rocking chair I found at a garage sale for $30. It was originally oak with blue jean cushions. My dad & Marshal painted it for me and I recovered the cushions although the arms need a little more work. Looks like it has wings and is about to fly away!

Me on my feet (don't tell my Dr.!) Can you see my lovely bed in the background? Can't wait to put that thing away and get my family room back.

Ugh. My face hasn't seen makeup in 6 weeks.

Disney on Ice: Princesses!!! Q was Rapunzel :)

Backyard fun

Baking!!! Yum!

Easter Egg Hunt at her school

Decorating Easter Cupcakes with Grandma Wood

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