This Easter was a little more low-key than usual due to the whole baby thing. We usually go over to my parent's home for a large family gathering. Oh how I miss making trips to my parent's house! Instead, this year, we just planned a small dinner at our house where I was supposed to stay on the couch. My mom cooked the dinner and it was delish! We had a small egg hunt for Q with the last hidden treasure being a Princess Scooter. Boy oh boy! It was actually left up to the Grandmas to pull off a fun Easter this year. I was slacking a little based on the fact that I can't shop! Ugh! I am having major shopping withdrawals! Anyhoo, it ended up being a really special day just being able to spend it with our family. Last Easter when the eggs were all Quincy's! Hope she liked it!
Had to include some spur of the moment pics of Q hangin' at home. Below is Quincy engaging in her latest favorite activities: Putting on singing/dancing shows for us & "marrying" Flynn Rider (played by Grammy)
Because I had been put on bed rest a few weeks prior to my planned baby shower, the shower had to be canceled, but leave it up to my friend Alex to come up with the cute idea of a "Bed Rest Baby Shower" instead. After a few fun weeks of deliveries to our front door, the day has come to open all the goodies! What a fun morning we had! I can't believe the generosity of all our friends and family and am so appreciative of everything. I know mailing gifts wasn't the ideal situation for anyone, but it sure meant a lot to us and we are even more excited to welcome our little babes now. Although it didn't work to have a party, we still want to share the "gifting" with our friends and family. We can't wait to have an "official" party to actually share our joy with all of you! Thank you all so very much!
Note: I sure felt a bit silly posing for all these pics :) If you know me well, I don't enjoy being in front of the camera and having pregnant goggles certainly doesn't help one's self image! Yes, I intentionally cut my own head off in the really "bad" pics :) but you can be certain, I was smiling! He He!
I am literally completely out of shirts that cover my belly. I have to let it all hang out these days. Good thing I'm on house arrest anyway!
Nose picking? Nice Q. She was having a blast with the gifts although these photos seem to say otherwise.
Right before this whole bed rest adventure I had gone over to a friend's house to take some pics of her family before she gave birth to her new baby girl. With both of us being pregnant, I don't think either of us had it in us for anything too fancy so we did what we could with the time and energy we had :) I am finally getting to finishing up her photos and her baby is already 5 weeks old! Because she lives only a few miles away, it is going to be so fun to have 'lil babes the same age. I am so excited! Congrats to Shannon & Tim on baby Shea, their second little girl!
Bed rest hasn't been all that bad... I have had time to do a few projects here and there. I designed this set of art prints for the nursery although I still need to frame them. I loved these posters I found on but wanted to customize them to go with my nursery decor. If you like them, you can find the original posters here
Okay, not really "away" but definitely out of commission, Quincy has not let my circumstances slow down her social life one bit. Actually, she's been busier than ever with her two grandmas. Here are a ton of photos taken by Grammy over the past 6 weeks.
Story time with Mommy (I am OUT of clothes that fit my belly, but who wants to buy new clothes just to sit around on the couch all day?)
Lazy time at home
Picnic at Freestone Park with Grammy
Roosevelt Lake camping with Grammy & Papa
Baby nursery (Not finished yet! Argh!) Quincy took this pic of Grammy. Pretty good job!
Nursery and rocking chair I found at a garage sale for $30. It was originally oak with blue jean cushions. My dad & Marshal painted it for me and I recovered the cushions although the arms need a little more work. Looks like it has wings and is about to fly away!
Me on my feet (don't tell my Dr.!) Can you see my lovely bed in the background? Can't wait to put that thing away and get my family room back.