Ahhh, the art of bribery. I have had my eye on a plot of land near my house with a pecan tree grove that I had been dying to take photos in (at least I
think they are pecan trees). Anyhoo, while I was on my way to check out a gym that I have spent more time talking about joining than actually going, I threw Quincy and her new rain boots in the car, lollipop in hand and headed first to the trees. Funny how kids will do almost anything for sugar. Even Q stood still for oh, about two seconds! I wasn't able to plan anything out. I pretty much had to run after her with the camera, hoping to catch her looking in my direction at least once. That was just the beginning of a FUN day with my girl....
I am so happy and lucky to be able to have the best of both worlds, working part-time at a job I love and spending days off with my kiddo. With the weather finally cooling down, I am so re-energized. I love Fall and I can't wait to share all the upcoming holidays with Quincy, Marshal and the rest of the family.
Below are some of the photos from our mini photo-shoot. It's too hard for a mom to sacrifice photos, so there are a lot here!

My favorite (above): Her latest quirk is covering her mouth and giggling. I have no idea where she learned that one, but it cracks me up.

Above: Here she is fussing about her boots being D-I-R-T-Y. She's such a girly girl... that or she's got OCD!

Thanks for the boots Grandma Wood!

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