Sunday, June 28, 2009

I am not Superwoman

As much as I wish I could claim to do it ALL, I am feeling so overwhelmed these days. The summer seems to be filling up fast and I have a list a mile long of "things" to do. I just can't keep up. I suppose a lot on the list are self-imposed. Why do we always put so much pressure on ourselves? Ahhh, I am now taking a deep breath and thinking I may just throw in the towel and get some much needed sleep, but before I do, here's a little bit about Miss Q.

She is so much fun. We love her SO much. She is changing everyday and time is going way too fast. I try to soak up as much chitter-chatter babble as I can. She loves to sing and dance and imitates everything we do. She's a little spit-fire. She's also getting pretty darn independent and is refusing help with things like buckling her booster seat and putting on shoes. She wants to do things by herself. She's happy, giggling a ton and she's stubborn. She's goofy, sweet, crazy!!!, coy, funny, silly, energetic and oh so kissable! She's doing really well at her daycare these days and she talks about her teachers often. She's basically a happy almost-two-year-old and for that, I am a happy momma!

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