Quincy & I headed out of town for a beach vacation with Grammy & Grandpa while Marshal held down the fort at home (aka: had to go to work). We left Sunday and returned Friday. It was so much fun! We camped out in San Clemente, just feet away from the beach. Our week was so full and included the beach of course, Legoland, more beach, yummy food, more beach, more yummy food, shopping, more yummy food, a walk on the pier, more food, Sea Life Aquarium, more beach... and more food! It was a heavenly week. The only thing that could have made it better would have been to have daddy there with us :( The usual suspects were there so Quincy had SEVEN other girls to play with. She was loving life! As usual, I took about a million photos. Marshal just bought me a new lens before the trip and I was eager to test it out. Unfortunately, I haven't quite got the hang of it yet and was disappointed to come home and find out I had issues getting photos in focus. Never-the-less, I still got some great pics to remember the trip by. Below are a ton, but I have EVEN MORE that I am working on putting into a slide show. These are just some of my favorites... Thanks to everyone for such a fun time. Now, back to the real world! Ho hum.

If the big girls can do it, so can she...

View from our camp site. We were lucky enough to see the ocean and watch the sunset every night. Beautiful!

Quincy LOVED playing with Preslie, but I'm not sure the feeling was mutual. Quincy, can you say "stalker"? :)

Grammy & Grandpa... Thank you for the wonderful memories!

Finally, some "little people" interested in playing ring-around-the-rosie with Q.

I just loved this moment. What Grandpas will do for their girls :)

Just killin' time at Legoland.

Wish this had been in focus! I love the expressions and the way they were looking at each other.

Young at heart!

Even with her puffy hat, she was turned down for rides for being too shrimpy :( She was heart broken :(

ALL the images...