This poor, poor blog has been so low on the list of priorities these days. This is my sad attempt at catching it up. We've been a busy little family and I don't see life slowing down any time soon... it is actually going to get even crazier here in the next month or two.
I am usually a girl of few words anyway, especially late at night after editing photos, so I won't blab on too much here! I'll let the photos speak for themselves tonight.... I'm spent!
ABOVE: Picnic with mommy at the park
ABOVE: Easter Egg Hunt at Quincy's daycare. Daddy surprised us by showing up! Photo above is Quincy next to her "friend" Madelyn. Madelyn cracks us up every day! She is what you would stereotypically call a "bruiser". Every morning when Q gets to school, Madelyn runs over and basically puts her in a head lock as a sign of affection. When we ask Q what she did at school, she often says "Madelyn squished me" while showing us how she squishes her face. As far as school violence goes, it's so adorable.
ABOVE: Dying Easter Eggs! The first photo in this series may just be the first EVER that she has looked at me and smiled on command!
ABOVE: My attempt at making a fun Easter breakfast: Pink eggs with toast ears and an orange mouth. Does it even slightly resemble a bunny? Okay, maybe an Easter wolf? Okay, so I need a little more practice.
ABOVE: Quincy opening her Easter bag of goodies from Grandma Wood. She loved every single thing in the bag! Grandma always knows just what to get her!
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