It has been impossible to keep on top of life since the babies have been born (surprise, surprise). I have been wanting to take photos of them, post pics and updates, keep my house somewhat clean, fill out baby books, yada yada yada, but of course, I am barely able to keep my eyes open each day. Actually, I think I've gotten fairly good at getting through the day with just one eye open at a time ;) My to-do list is stressing me out beyond belief but I just gotta do what I can and try to get past it right?
I was supposed to go back to work at the beginning of July, but circumstances changed and I am now scheduled to go back at the beginning of August. Good thing because I'm still trying to get life back on track.
Let's see, we really haven't been up to much excitement outside of dirty diapers and cleaning bottles, so there hasn't been much to post in the past few months anyway! With two newborns and temperatures above 100 degrees, we have been basically help captive in our home. I do try to get out of the house daily but how exciting can the grocery store be for the millionth time, seriously?
Boring for everyone else, but important for my own records, here are some stats on the babies' development:
The babies are now 10 weeks old! I just began to put away clothes they've outgrown already. It's so sad! Ollie started smiling about two weeks ago. He had his first official giggle at his Daddy on July 8th (at 9 weeks). Miley seems to be a few weeks behind him on everything. She just really started smiling last week. She's half giggled... does that count? We like to think it's because Ollie took up all the room in the womb. He's just such a boy! Loud & obnoxious! She's so much more petite, dainty and sweet. At their 8 week Dr. appt, Ollie's stats were: Weight 10# 12 oz (25%); Height 22 3/4" (40%); Head 15 1/2" (35%). Miley's stats: Weight 9# 9 oz (20%); Height 21 1/2" (15%); Head 14 1/2" (8%).
This week they finally started sleeping a little longer stretches. Right now they go down at about 8 pm and wake at around 1 am. After an hour of feeding, they go back down until 4/5 am-ish. It's not great, but better than it was! Here's to hoping for a whole night's sleep soon!
Below are just the random pics we have from the past two months. I haven't had the energy to pull the camera out much sadly :( I hope to get better in that department. Poor second kiddos... at this rate they will not have nearly the photos Q had!

Our Dr. gave us matching onesies for the babies and he loves it when patients send him pics of the babies in the outfit(s) :) Thanks Dr. Falk!
Miley Moo smiling (or something else may be going on here)
Ollie smiling at his Daddy

Poor Ollie in a pink blanket. What can we say, it's a house full of pink.
I just wanted to remember all the wrinkles!

Rapunzel lives in our house. Don't mistake her for Quincy or you'll get the evil eye ;)
Making a craft from Great Aunt Kathy in Omaha
Making Mommy's birthday cake

Grandma Wood with her Grand-kiddos
Great Uncle Bill
Nope, nothing is going on here. Nothing to see. Keep walking. Well, it could just be a meeting about what to do about the latest round of competition... or how to get that steak off the counter.
Papa dreaming about fishing with his Grandson
Grammy loving on Miley Moo
Great Aunt Linda

Quincy and her "camping buddies"