Q before her first dance class (two-years-old)

Q & Mommy at Verizon store, upgrading to a Blackberry only to find out the iPhone would blow up a few weeks later

Um, Q being Q

One of many trips to the park

Cleaning house???

Cody Bear

Dinner in Vegas with Mom & Dad

Sitting & waiting... and waiting... and waiting at Mommy's Dr.

Nordstrom Rack with Mommy & Grammy... "Please Daddy, can I have these high heels?"

Ahhh, one of my favorite past times... shopping with my baby girl at Target!

A dinner fit for a Princess

Just pulling out of camp

Pit stop at Mickey D's. No idea what the bandaid on the cheek was for.

Q's second dance class

Riding the train at the Chandler Mall while waiting for Daddy to shop for tools in Sears

Dressing Miss Daisy

Mommy & Daddy brought Q to Peter Piper on her 3rd Birthday for a little pre-party

Again... sitting & waiting... and waiting... and waiting at Mommy's Dr.

First haircut!!!

Pouring on the sugar so Mommy would cave and buy her this "wedding dress" at JC Penney

Goofing off before dance class

Pink sandals on seat are NOT Quincy's :)

Tumbling Class

Frozen yogurt with Grandma Wood

Goofy hat after bath

San Tan Village playtime

Tumbleweed Park

Mickey D's

Our "fat cat" Bradley