I'm not sure if we're mean parents or just really bad ones but we can't help but reinforce the way Quincy can slaughter words. It's just so darn cute. So, as she refers to it, we invited her BFF from school over on Sunday and while the boys watched the Superbowl, we had some fun with a spur of the moment "Valemtime's Day" photo shoot. She and her friend Rhea absolutely love each other, well, when they aren't tattling on each other or fighting over things ;) When we're home, everything is about Rhea. Rhea likes this, Rhea said that, Rhea does this. She's been trying to convince us for 5 months to name her baby sister Baby Rhea. These photos show what good friends they are. Can't you feel the love?
Gosh, we haven't been up to too much these days other than planning/preparing for babies. Quincy's been going to daycare, dance and her sports class weekly. I love the rec classes because you don't have to commit for too long and the kids get a chance to experience new things. Quincy's been going to a "sports sampler". The down side is that we've had to go out and buy every ball imaginable! Let's see, they started with soccer, then moved to baseball and this weekend will be basketball. She is loving it. She's pretty much a good sport all around these days, willing to try anything and doing it with a smile. Don't get me wrong, I completely realize that means we're in a good phase that will soon pass, but let me soak it up for now! Other than that, Grandma Wood and Cousin Tessi spent the weekend with us last weekend which meant Quincy got her share of girl time. Here are some pics!
Painting Tessi's nails (brave girl that Tess!!)
Making cupcakes with Grandma (We picked up the cupcake maker at a garage sale that morning and by that night, it was in our garage sale pile. DO NOT BUY the cupcake maker! Argh!)